Extracurriculars for Med School

How to be productive and stay motivated

Hope these tips help you all be productive and stay motivated, to accomplish whatever goals you have 🙂 I also hope you get a laugh out of how unnecessarily serious I look in the thumbnail.  0:34 If routine doesn’t work for you, go for variety, and do what your energy best suits. 1:06 Take a Break and do unrelated activities. 3:57 Be Accountable to someone else. ** Also sorry guys, MDProspect didn’t actually say that. I meant to reference his work ethic at the end of the video. 6:11 Connect with mentors and others that inspire you 8:29 Change the Read More

Extracurriculars for Med School

RESEARCH: How to find research, balance research with school

This is a Med School Vlog including Tips on How to Find Research Positions how to Email a Professor, How to balance Research and School How to work in a research team And a look at an incredibly boring day in my life. On work-heavy weekends, I spend most of the weekend not doing much except work/study. On lighter weekends, I do go out and more of a life 🙂    

Extracurriculars for Med School

How to deal with self-comparison and feeling not enough

  How to deal with feeling not enough and self-comparison Recognize your own strengths. There is more than enough to go around. There are tons of opportunities out there.  There is enough goodness in the world for everyone to receive some. Stay in my own lane because everyone has a different journey and a different destination to get to. Our own self-doubt and insecurities are our biggest enemies. The story that we tell ourselves can be negative. Try checking whether the facts match the story you’re telling yourself. It’s okay not to be be amazing at everything all at once. Read More

My Path to Medical School Thumbnail

How to get from High School to Undergrad to Medical School

Hope everyone is staying safe at home, and my heart goes out to anyone has been negatively impact by the COVID-19 pandemic! For those of you who have loved ones that are sick, have lost income and jobs,  are struggling to balance childcare with work,  and everyone else struggling, I hope that this will pass soon. I’m very privileged that my family is in healthcare and our jobs still exist. So we  want to use our privilege to help where we can! My family’s involved in a lot of work to help out the crisis, specifically get more protective masks Read More