How to get from High School to Undergrad to Medical School

Hope everyone is staying safe at home, and my heart goes out to anyone has been negatively impact by the COVID-19 pandemic! For those of you who have loved ones that are sick, have lost income and jobs,  are struggling to balance childcare with work,  and everyone else struggling, I hope that this will pass soon. I’m very privileged that my family is in healthcare and our jobs still exist. So we  want to use our privilege to help where we can! My family’s involved in a lot of work to help out the crisis, specifically get more protective masks out to healthcare workers.

I recently mentored a high school student over video call and got inspired to make a video series on topics that I often talk about to premeds, and worries/questions that I struggled with as a premed. I hesitated a lot because I didn’t feel qualified, but I’m taking the courage because maybe it will help at one or two premeds out there.

This is the first video on what advice I suggest to high school students and undergraduate students. I’ve already filmed other videos on staying motivated, how to try to feel less overwhelmed balancing studying with everything else, and how to choose extracurriculars. So please subscribe to see those upcoming videos. Please be patient as I try to find time to edit. I’m still taking classes, studying for exams, working on research.. but I’ll try!

Please feel free to let me know what other topics you would like me to cover 🙂  Stay home and stay safe everyone!