Extracurriculars for Med School

How to deal with self-comparison and feeling not enough

  How to deal with feeling not enough and self-comparison Recognize your own strengths. There is more than enough to go around. There are tons of opportunities out there.  There is enough goodness in the world for everyone to receive some. Stay in my own lane because everyone has a different journey and a different destination to get to. Our own self-doubt and insecurities are our biggest enemies. The story that we tell ourselves can be negative. Try checking whether the facts match the story you’re telling yourself. It’s okay not to be be amazing at everything all at once. Read More

Extracurriculars for Med School

Self development: Grit & Personal Struggles

Grit can be defined as an individual’s ability to “maintain their determination and motivation over long periods despite experiences with failure and adversity” (Wikipedia). A mentor once told me that if she could grant me any superpower in the world, she would grant grit.  4 years later, I know appreciate grit as one of the most important traits that a person can develop. Here’s an inspiring blog post from Anne that you should check out to highlight the importance of grit during the medical school application process: https://loveandscrubs.wordpress.com/2018/01/28/making-my-medical-school-dream-become-my-reality/ I am always positive in my blog posts becauseI want to promote positivity rather Read More

I am grateful

2017: A year of being grateful & self growth

2017 was a year of gratitude and great self growth. I developed greater self-confidence and courage to take action in both my professional and personal pursuits.  I’ve gained a sharper picture of my own identity: what I like to do, what is important to me, who I like to be around, which traits in my mentors I want to emulate,  and what I want from my life. I’ve learned both how to more independent and how to appreciate my support network. Taking the leap to apply to medical school In Canada, you are allowed to apply to a handful of Read More