Extracurriculars for Med School

How to deal with failure as a premed, med student or pharmacy student

It’s Jamie and Shanna again. Since some got heart breaking rejection letters from med school, today is the perfect day to talk about how we learned to view failure and critical feedback as learning opportunities, set aside to feel down about the failure and then let go, and how to be kinder to ourselves and our team when failures occurs. We also share a couple light stories of times we felt like failures but these failures turned out to be nothing in the big scheme of things. (Mine was definitely petty in retrospect but my 17 year old self thought Read More

Extracurriculars for Med School

How to deal with self-comparison and feeling not enough

  How to deal with feeling not enough and self-comparison Recognize your own strengths. There is more than enough to go around. There are tons of opportunities out there.  There is enough goodness in the world for everyone to receive some. Stay in my own lane because everyone has a different journey and a different destination to get to. Our own self-doubt and insecurities are our biggest enemies. The story that we tell ourselves can be negative. Try checking whether the facts match the story you’re telling yourself. It’s okay not to be be amazing at everything all at once. Read More