How to be productive and stay motivated

Hope these tips help you all be productive and stay motivated, to accomplish whatever goals you have 🙂 I also hope you get a laugh out of how unnecessarily serious I look in the thumbnail. 

0:34 If routine doesn’t work for you, go for variety, and do what your energy best suits.

1:06 Take a Break and do unrelated activities.

3:57 Be Accountable to someone else. ** Also sorry guys, MDProspect didn’t actually say that. I meant to reference his work ethic at the end of the video.

6:11 Connect with mentors and others that inspire you

8:29 Change the Story you tell yourself from “I’m so unproductive” to “I can pick myself up to start working” 11:04 Not every day will be 10/10 productive so please forgive yourself

11:36 Try not to label yourself as an ” unproductive” person. Focus on actions.

13:35 Study with other people and keep each other accountable.

14:44 Mix up your study methods to keep it interesting

16:52 Freedom app to block distractions link here:

17:28 Think about what future you would be proud of

17:57 Work the hardest possible to give yourself the best possible chance to get into med school or residency. 

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